25 things that happen when you get "older" in the advertising business.

1. You're fast.

2. You've got a bag of tricks that you go to.

3. You find yourself amazed at how much you've learned when you see how little the young people know.

4. You know it's not about you. It's really about your client having success that you played a part in.

5. You care less and less and less and less about award shows.

6. You think about teaching.

7. You realize you’ve stopped bitching about your clients a long time ago.

8. You drink much better wine. More often.

9. The type you approve starts getting bigger and bigger.

10. 80 hour work weeks seem really stupid.

11. Fewer things surprise you.

12. You swear less. See #8.

13. Loyalty rules over all.

14. You no longer feel the need to chase everything.

15. You're comfortable with the fact that compromise is just gonna’ happen.

16. Fridays start to become part of your weekend.

17. You find ways to "let it go."

18. You say "let's look at that" more often.

19. Your go-to people are priceless. So are your go-to vendors.

20. You're happy that the message, not the delivery method, is still king.

21. You don't panic.

22. You don't criticize other people's work.

23. You can sum up 25 things in 23 lines.

 (Written by Ernie P.)


It’s Totally Fine To Think Small


Don’t do it